Who am I?
My name is Linda Bunk and I am a Christian blessed with Bipolar and Aspergers. I am blessed. What the world sees as affliction, God sees as His glory. (John 9:1-3) Jesus has transformed my life. I want others suffering or struggling to experience His saving grace and how affliction can be a blessing. I am His bondservant for His Kingdom Building. 

What am I passionate about?
My passion is to serve His people for His Kingdom. I love sharing the Good News of Jesus and how it transformed my life. Although I have Aspergers, I love God’s people, especially those struggling with mental illness and/or autism. I love sharing my God given talent of photography. I have been taking photos since I was in middle school. I have a BA from University of Maryland Baltimore County in Visual and Performing Arts with an emphasis in Photography and a MFA from Maryland Institute College of Art in Photography and Digital Imaging. On mission trips, I document the trip but also give the people I am serving photographs. My artwork has been exhibited in juried exhibitions throughout the US. God has called me to live on mission by equipping pastors, teachers, missionaries, volunteers, and others to serve the mentally ill. 

What am I living for?
I am living for Christ. I was dead but now I’m alive in Christ. I live on mission. I want Christ’s saving grace to be shared with the mentally ill and disciple others to minister to the mentally ill.

What is my future?
Instead of being a photographer, who goes on mission trips; I want to be missionary who photographs. Photography has been away to breakdown harden hurt hearts to hear His Gospel. I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) and He knows all of my days. I am created for a purpose. My purpose is to disciple others to learn how to serve the mentally ill. God is so good.

“The Bible instructs is that we are to go and make disciples (Matthew 28:19)-a directive that is especially relevant when it comes to sharing the gospel with a person with mental illness, because the nature of their condition makes it less likely that they will seek out a church or know someone within a church who is inclined to invite them to church activities.”

— Dr. Stephen Grcevich, Mental Health and the Church

My Commitment:
• I am accountable to Board of Directors for my actions and attitude. (Philippians 2:1-5)
• I am submitting to the Board of Directors. (Hebrews 13:17)
• I will be teachable. (2 Peter 3:18)
• I will have a Heart for God. (Ephesians 4:22-32)

The Board will:
• Provide financial oversight.
• Help me to Live on Mission.
• Help me to set my ministry goals.
• Be my accountability partner.
• Instruct and correct me.

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