Challenging Verses Series: Psalm 119:11
Psalm 119:11
I have stored up your word in my heart,
that I might not sin against you.
“I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.”
In my last blog on challenging verses, I talked about Spiritual Fruit and abiding in Christ. To be able to abide in Christ, we need to know His Word.
God’s Word is essential to a Spirit-filled life. Joshua 1:8 says we should hide these truths in our heart and meditate on them day and night. Abiding in God’s Word will produce a life that bears much fruit. It is more than bearing fruit, but subduing the fleshly control over our life as we keep fellowship with Him, so that He will transform our life into the likeness of His Son.
Colossians 3:12-17 is another passage about Christian characteristics. All the fruits of the Spirit are listed. In verse 16, we are told how to obtain these characteristics – by letting the Word richly dwell in us. The secret is simple to a Spirit-filled life, living a life that produces these fruits is to abide in Christ through His Word. These are not commands that we must accomplish, but a result of our lives being immersed in scripture.
For many struggling with mental illness or autism, memorizing Bible verses is extremely difficult and almost impossible. All things are possible with God. I can get hung up on having to know each word in the right order, instead immersing myself in His Word. My mind is in contrast with racing thoughts like a never-ending traffic jam. I struggle to memorize His Word, yet He has shown me ways to go beyond what I had thought to be impossible. I can’t measure my abilities against the world’s standard but by His Word.
My apartment is littered with Bible verses written out on large Post-It notes. Rewriting the scriptures this way helps His Words to dwell in me. I have designed and created scripture art. They are the first thing I see as I engage in my morning routines. They surround me in His Word. They remind me of His supernatural compassion, divinity, glory, and salvation. Although memorizing is almost impossible for me, the Word surrounds and indwells me.
Some like to use scripture coloring books to aid in memorizing His Word. Coloring is stress relieving and focuses your mind on the Words as you color. Then you can put it on your bathroom mirror to fill your morning with His life-giving truths as you get ready for the day or end the day.
If you can’t memorize the Word, don’t beat yourself up. As a visual thinker, I see in images, not words, and that makes it incredibly difficult to memorize words. This is why I wrap my apartment and fill my phone with His Word. His Word is essential for my life.