New Journey in Serving
These past few years for many have been a struggle. The week before my March 2020 mission trip, the world quickly shutdown, and it threw me into chaos. No more mission trip to Ukraine. I struggled as my church closed its doors, gatherings were on screens, and days and nights spent isolated from my community. Many struggled, especially those with afflictions and disabilities. My heart grew heavier witnessing the ever-increasing mental health problems and lack of services for the disabled.
The summer of 2021 rolled around and, with it, a wonderful opportunity to return to Ukraine. Unfortunately, I developed an inner ear infection which derailed my ability to travel by airplane. To be honest, I felt rejected and as if I had let down my teammates and the Ukrainian families. I struggled and wrestled with the whys. Why God? Why now? Why me? Though I was discouraged, I trusted in God’s plan.
As the world inched closer back to “normal,” or whatever normal was, my community began to gather beyond the screen. Doors opened again, my church met in-person, my small group restarted, but chaos was unleashed in Ukraine, my second home. My heart was very heavy. I cried out to God for the whys again and for His intervention for my extended family. Helplessly I watched a live nightmare play out, as people fled, were seriously injured, and even killed. Sleepless nights turned into zombie-like days. I prayed and prayed. I know God is in control and all will be used for His plan.
Finally, I returned to the mission field in April 2022. Several families from Wings of Faith have been relocated to southern Germany. I took a short trip to visit with these families. Although it was brief, it was impactful. The families were excited to see me. It was beautiful to witness how God worked through this atrocity. The families felt the love and attentive care of His church. Then I traveled to Warsaw to meet SALT Ukraine’s new church partner, God’s Grace Church. I spent Easter with this church in both their Polish and Ukrainian services. The Ukraine service flowed out of the worship center into the lobby and out the front doors. These refugees are hungry for God’s Word, grace, and love.
On June 28, I arrive in Warsaw for this new journey in living on mission. I will spend time in Warsaw and Germany serving along with other teammates for SALT Serve. There is much urgency to spread the Gospel and make disciples. Jesus said the Kingdom is at hand, and repent and believe in the Gospel. (Mark 1:15). More than ever, I need to be bold, witness to the awesomeness of the Gospel, the power in repentance, and the saving grace of Jesus’ death and resurrection.
“The Great Commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed.”