The Digital Contagion
I have been reading about the effects of social media and digital technology on people, and it reminds me of the cultural climate after World War I. In no way, am I making light of the brutal reality and deaths of World War I. Like many Aspies (code of someone with Aspergers), I think in pictures, but many times my mind relates to artwork…

It is always hard leaving at the end of a mission trip. I love serving others, and this trip was no exception. It has been a wonderful God-glorifying trip.
Last week with our SALT Ukraine partners was amazing. It was exciting to have face to face fellowship with partners I had previously only met on Zoom.

The Way of Love
God defines love beautifully in 1 Corinthians 13. This love is sacrificial and only God can display this to us. Man is marred by the corruption of sin, and it has blinded our hearts and minds to this supernatural love. God so loved his lost people so much, that He sent His Son to…