Two Years…
Who would think that someone afflicted with bipolar and Asperger’s would live on mission? Who would think God would call someone with such afflictions for His Kingdom? God knows and we can never understand His ways and plans for us. Who are we to comprehend the wisdom of God? (Illustrated in Job 38:4-42:6)
I have had many struggles in education, employment, relationships, etc. God weaved into my DNA these afflictions (bipolar and Asperger’s), but I have come to see them as blessings to reveal His glory. For two years since 2020, I have been Living on Mission for His Kingdom to serve with SALT Ukraine.
These past two years were challenging with the pandemic shutting down my church, photography work, in person therapy sessions, and international travel. Financially I struggled greatly. In the early spring of 2020, I had to surrender a Mercedes and buy a very inexpensive used car. I did have a mental health crisis over this situation and was taken by local police to be evaluated. Everything seemed disorderly, deafening, and diminutive. Like Job, seemingly every day, I was angry and questioning God – why?
Online Conference with Zoriana
The year 2020 quietly rolled into 2021, but the pandemic heavily loomed. My world seemed to be slowly returning. Restrictions were lifting; my church opened and international travel returned. Before Easter, I had a bad accident and totaled two cars. God protected me and the other driver. That summer seemed to brighten with a SALT Serve trip to Ukraine. I was excited to return to Ukraine and serve, as my last trip was November 2019. Unfortunately, on the day of departure I was diagnosed with an inner ear infection. I was very disappointed. Again, I was angry and questioning God – why?
Pastor Taras and his wife, Nadyia
In 2021, my therapist of twenty years retired. It was shocking because Aspies don’t like change. Honestly, even the ending was strange, since all of 2020 was through Zoom; It did not seem real. During these last virtual sessions, I complained about the injustices of the restrictions, like masks, church closings, social distancing, limited photography gigs, curfews, and online therapy. I was in disbelief and scared, in a foreign land without weekly therapy. Once again, I was angry and questioning God – why?
Pastors watching my video testimony in Ukraine.
As I reflected upon 2020-2021, I realized that God was with me. I did not end up in a psychiatric hospitalization or relapse into self-harm. These past two years had actually been incredibly great. I love serving! God provided two part time jobs with amazing bosses that allow the flexibility to live on mission. I grew in my walk with God through his Son, Jesus Christ. It is amazing how He saved me. It is amazing how He sent His beloved Son to die on a cross and rise three days later for me and you. Jesus said “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” – Matthew 3:2. Salvation is a gift to those that will repent from their sinful nature and embrace God’s grace. He gave me this grace. I still stumble with sin, but I have eternal security in Jesus Christ. These past two years have been awesome! I love sharing God’s story He wrote: the story of me and His love!
If you would like to be a part of His plan for me, foremost, pray! Prayerfully consider financially supporting this ministry. This support is a great blessing with funding short term trips to Poland and Germany to serve Ukrainian refugees. The Great Commission and Commands are for all!