Smiling During the Storms
March 22 is International Day of Happiness. Many wonder how I can be happy while grappling with so much uncertainty and tragedy. God provides His answer in His Son’s death and resurrection. If we repent from sin, His Kingdom is open to us. He freely gives us everlasting security. Unfortunately, we disobeyed God, releasing sin into our world. Our world marred by sin creates chaos and danger. As Christians, we are empowered by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, to not only overcome life’s storms, but to do so with exuberance.
But how can Christians, especially those afflicted, smile in the face of these storms despite our sin-filled world? As I think about this question, proposed in my church last Sunday, my mind wanders to the events in Ukraine. People, especially women and children, are living in an endless nightmare, each day seemingly worse than the day before. I think about our partner ministry, Liya Christian Ministry, who provide funds for the staff of Wings of Faith (WOF) to purchase arts and crafts items and stress toys for the families. Most of Ukraine’s fathers have been called to defend their homeland. Moms are home with children that are terrified of the air raid sirens. The WOF staff visits with simple gifts that make the families happy amid chaos and panic, that gives them hope where there is great sorrow.
All around us, every day, our lives are threatened by storms of various intensities. God works through Liya Christian Ministry to provide a smile to those in such turmoil. Following Jesus is never a journey of an easy, pain-free, or sorrowless life, rather, like Jesus who suffered like no other, we suffer. Yet, Jesus maintained His joyful servant attitude. Christians are to model His behavior in all things, even in the gale. On the cross, Jesus was the self-sacrificing suffering servant. He comforted the thief on the cross next to Him. (Luke 23:39-43) He made sure His mother was provided for. (John 19:26-27) In all that agony, He selflessly served those around Him. He didn’t let the tempests deter His mission or compassion for others.
In southern Ukraine, where there has been nonstop bombing, a mission-partner serves with a smile. He houses people in his church to protect them. He houses others because they had no home to go to. He feeds those who can’t make a meal. He spends time with those who lost loved ones. He cares for those who are lonely. He hands out pantry items to those who don’t have the resources. He holds a prayer hour every day bringing light piecing the darkness. The community is encouraged and feels loved through his mirthful serving amid uncertainty and tragedy. He smiles in the storm.
A tempest brewed on the sea and the disciples became fearful as Jesus slept, but it had no power over Jesus. (Mark 4:35-41) He has all authority over creation and could calm any squall. Paul, a man who once zealously punished Christians, was a jubilant servant, traveling from hostile town to hostile town, spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ. Paul sung in prison (Acts 16:25), and exultantly served not only the other inmates, but also the guards. In a town where the people had left him for dead in a pit, he shared the amazing grace of Jesus Christ with joy. (Acts 14:19-21) He never let the tempests deter his faithfulness to obey Jesus’ great commandment of the Great Commission, to love God with all your heart, to love one another, and to love your enemy.
The storm brews around us, which either we have created, or which are the creation of our fallen world. Our disobedience provokes many disturbances, and the resulting loss of jubilation. Sometimes, gales spawn from the fallenness of our world, but we are to imitate Jesus and walk with faith through a maelstrom. We are broken, weak, and prideful in nature, but we can only escape the barrage of sin through Jesus Christ sending His helper, the Holy Spirit to guide us. Many times, we neglect the Holy Spirit’s help and end up succumbing to the dangers of these storms that steal the triumph of Jesus.
Pandemonium seems to always follow those afflicted with mental illness, chronic conditions, and other disabilities. Our lives are trapped into bedlam, of both our own design and outside forces. How can I joyfully endure in the tempest of mental illness and Asperger’s despite the disorder and panic within my mind? God shows me that He made me wonderful, with no mistakes. He stretched all my DNA into His perfect creation made in His image. He is always there, like Jesus in the boat, to calm the gale and allow me to be His exuberant servant. The squall will keep brewing until His return, but I have received everlasting eternal security through repentance and Jesus’ death and resurrection. This amazing grace is freely given to any that repent of sin, because His Kingdom is near.
“Now after John was arrested, Jesus came into Galilee, proclaiming the gospel of God, and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.”