Suffering and Bitterness
Jesus said whoever wants to be His disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow Him. (Matthew 16:24-26) Although we will never suffer the way Jesus suffered for us, suffering is hard. Succumbing to bitterness during suffering is difficult to avoid. Suffering is isolating, we feel disconnected to our Lord and Savior, our family and friends, and our church community. Why God? Why?

The Wednesday before Christmas, I had a procedure intended to relieve my ear fullness. I had tubes put in my eardrums. For the past several years, I have been suffering with hearing loss and ear fullness. This procedure went well but my hearing got worse. I felt like I had ear muffles on.

Challenging Verses Series: Philippians 4:6-7 (and many other verses)
There are many verses on anxiety in the Bible. These verses can be incredibly difficult for those afflicted with mental illness because of the misunderstanding of the clinical definition and Biblical definition of anxiety.

How to Love Someone Afflicted with Mental Illness?
Mental illness takes a toll not only on the sufferer, but on everyone around them. Stigma and shame make it very difficult to find…

Smiling During the Storms
But how can Christians, especially those afflicted, smile in the face of these storms despite our sin-filled world? As I think about this question, proposed in my church last Sunday, my mind wanders to the events in Ukraine. People, especially women and children, are living in an endless nightmare…

Six Lies… I use to Believe.
After episodes of mania or depress, I hated myself. My bipolar manifests mainly into mania. Many outsiders may mistakenly believe mania is fun. My manic bouts turned into psychosis, which is states of delusions, hallucinations, and incoherent…

Bipolar and God
How can bipolar disorder be a blessing from God? It seems like a strange question. God uses everything for His glory. God doesn’t do evil…