New Journey
There has been a lot going on at Abnormal Missionary! SALT and Abnormal Missionary (AM) mutually agreed that AM should be a stand alone ministry. AM will still partner with SALT in the future. Praise God…

50,000 Americans took their lives in 2022. 50,000 tragedies that whisper in shame for all affected. One in four suffer with a mental illness, and many suffer in silence and isolation. Mental illness is the disease of the lonely. Some are seemingly fulfilled with friendship, success, and love, but it is an illusion, a façade thin as veneer on the surface. Bubbling under the surface is torment and exhaustion to keep the façade from crumbling.

Challenging Verses Series: Philippians 4:6-7 (and many other verses)
There are many verses on anxiety in the Bible. These verses can be incredibly difficult for those afflicted with mental illness because of the misunderstanding of the clinical definition and Biblical definition of anxiety.

Mission Brief
I traveled to Gdansk Poland on March 15. I met an amazing new friend, Nancy. She invited me to share with her home Bible Study groups on a future trip. What a small world: Nancy knew Lon Solomn from Jews for Jesus, and she encouraged Julia to attend McLean Bible Church. What an amazing God we serve!

The Digital Contagion
I have been reading about the effects of social media and digital technology on people, and it reminds me of the cultural climate after World War I. In no way, am I making light of the brutal reality and deaths of World War I. Like many Aspies (code of someone with Aspergers), I think in pictures, but many times my mind relates to artwork…

Love One Another
Jesus gave us a new commandment to love one another as He loved us. Believers are to be known by their love for other followers of Jesus. Although these followers may be from different ethnic, tribal, cultural, racial, and socioeconomic backgrounds, our love for one another transcends all.