New Journey
“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.””
There has been a lot going on at Abnormal Missionary! SALT and Abnormal Missionary (AM) mutually agreed that AM should be a stand alone ministry. AM will still partner with SALT in the future. Praise God for an amazing board for AM made up of very Godly men and women! Praise God that all the state and federal paperwork went smoothly. Praise God for all the supporters and prayer warriors for AM!
AM as an independent ministry will be able to serve beyond SALT’s mission. AM will partner/serve with other like-minded ministries that serve locally, nationally and globally. AM is working to further relationships with Key Ministry, Joni and Friends, etc. AM will participate in more conferences within the access community. AM will extend and grow relationships in Germany and Poland with local churches and other organizations. AM has been invited to serve women rescued from the redlight district of Amsterdam.
Locally and nationally, AM wants to help out churches and ministries to engage, encourage and equip the disabled for missions. We are all a part of one body uniquely and wonderfully made for His glory. Man should not limit His calling. I am reminded of David when God called him to the battlefield from the pasture. The Hebrew army must have been bewildered by the sight of the small shepherd boy against the giant. God knew David’s heart and knew how it would end. I think Joni Eareckson pioneered ministry for the disabled by someone disabled. How God called her into ministry after such a tragic accident. He has blessed her tenfold through Joni and Friends.
AM is small but God has made it mighty for His works. The April Mission Trip was an amazing time for reconnection, respite, and restoration. Continuing to partner with Wings of Faith and Zoriana is amazing. Erin Roundtree has been an incredible support in Germany. It is a blessing to work with both. God is moving in Germany. Early May, AM and Timofey presented a Quick Take on “Being a Missionary with Disabilities” at the Disability and the Church 2024 Conference. This year 500 plus participants were at the conference. It was an amazing time of learning, encouragement, fellowship and relationship building.
This July, AM will be partnering with SALT and Liya Christian Ministry in Krakow, Poland to serve at Liya Music Camp. We are partnering with a local church made up of Ukrainian refugees. We will host a concert for the community at the end of the camp. Either before or after camp, AM will visit the Ukrainian orphans and serve at a local church during VBS in Germany at Zoriana’s invitation.
AM will strive to be a God-centered, approachable, and transparent ministry. All meetings will be open to anyone interested. The AM board will serve as the accountability partner to me, but I have no voting power on items presented to the board. AM ministry is excited for the doors God is opening. The rest of 2024 is for His glory! If you have any questions or concerns don’t hesitate to contact me via email. God is so good!
“And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”