Trouble and my Little Brother
I grew up a lot with my brother. We were only a year apart in school due to the fact that I was held back twice. We used to play Legos together. We would ride bikes in the neighborhood, building ramps. But I also got in a lot of trouble with him. And a lot of trouble because of him. Well that’s at least how I see it.

Trouble and my Big Sister
I didn’t get in trouble much at school, which is very surprising since I got picked on a lot, but I never took revenge. I had few friends. I think I was kind of in my own little world. My sister was older. When I came home from the hospital, I wasn’t the normal baby. I screamed a lot. I slept two hours every twelve hours. My sister wanted my mom to return me for a better baby.

Does your autistic child love you? For the past several weeks I have wrestled with my childhood memories. Did I love my mom, dad, or siblings as a struggling child? I remember fiery anger filled me as a child. My Pop-Pop Franck wondered why I never hugged him goodbye. As an adult, when I reflect on this, I feel regret about many of my other childhood behaviors.
Mom! How did my mom survive rising me?
As an infant, I screamed and only slept two hours every twelve. I had a traumatic birth because I didn’t lay right in the birth canal. The doctor said he did the best with my head (that he could). I have a lot of bumps because they were trying to direct me properly. I was born screaming, with bright red hair and defected…