Trouble and my Little Brother
I grew up a lot with my brother. We were only a year apart in school due to the fact that I was held back twice. We used to play Legos together. We would ride bikes in the neighborhood, building ramps. But I also got in a lot of trouble with him. And a lot of trouble because of him. Well that’s at least how I see it. We did love all things Star Wars, but we could have crazy fights.
Summers were like free time for me. My brother and I would run the neighborhood. I didn’t have a lot of friends. He was kind of like my friend for a while, even though sometimes I would treat him absolutely horrible. We were together a lot in the summers, because my mom was working at the post office. We seemed to be always getting into some kind of trouble when we were not fighting.
One thing that we did a lot together was burn things in an old barbecue fireplace in our backyard. We would load it up with all kinds of wood, leaves or whatever we found in the backyard. I poured a whole bunch of gasoline on it and just lit it on fire. We blew the back out of the barbecue pit. The tree near the chimney never grew leaves because of the intensity of the flames. One time, we blew out the bricks on the back of the fireplace. It is some kind of miracle that I never burnt down the town or got hurt.
In middle school I started running with the punks, going to the 9:30 Club, a punk music club in Washington DC. I wore Doc Maarten, plaid pants, and weird shirts. My brother was more into video games. They were not exciting to me. Although, we did ride skateboards, BMX bikes, build all kinds of ramps listening to punk music. Right before school I decided to shave part of my head. My mom saw it, and she punished me until it grew back out . This was the only punishment she ever regretted giving me. I drove her completely up the wall because I couldn’t go out. I could only really be in my room or I could go to school, but I couldn’t do anything. Luckily, my hair grew back quickly. Then, I was out of her hair! And all went back to normalcy. After high school, our relationship changed for the better. We get along and laugh at many of the same jokes or movies.