Being Thankful and Giving Hope!
Thank you for helping me serve the Lord’s Kingdom for many years. In October 2020, I answered God’s calling to live on mission and partner with SALT to be a full-time Abnormal Missionary. This year, I want to move closer to being a full-time missionary and a part-time photographer, transitioning in the next five years to a full-time missionary that takes photographs. During this second year of ministry, I need to raise $3,100 per month or $35,000 for the year. Praise God, last year I had $1,300 in monthly support. Even through this hard year of no mission trips to Ukraine, I have a lot to be thankful for through God’s provisions. This year, by His grace, much was accomplished:
Wrote training module for pastors and other church leaders.
Met with Pastor Taras, SALT'S strategic partner in Ukraine, sharing with him how God is using my story and my disability to open doors for ministry.
Participated in virtual conferences with Eastern European clinicians.
Wrote three guest blogs for Key Ministry, which was greatly blessed by God.
Wrote a blog twice each month, which many people contacted me about how they were impacted.
God has blessed me greatly this through this troubling year. I was disappointed that I am unable to live in Ukraine full time, but He provided other opportunities in the U.S. through SALT working with Russian speaking churches in the states. He wants me to serve in Ukraine, but by His plan. My goals to live more on mission include:
Writing a training module for church planters on how to serve the mentally ill.
Meeting with as many church leaders as possible to bring awareness about the daily suffering of the mentally ill Christians and how they can help.
Serving on mission trips with SALT; I am praying for a spring trip.
Creating and posting content for social media twice a week.
Expanding my relationship with Key Ministry.
Working with Russian speaking churches in the US to serve the afflicted.
Writing two blogs a month about the life God provided for me, which will be used for a book about my journey as a person living with mental illness and God's amazing grace.
Without your help, I will not be able to meet these goals!
Every day, your support makes an impact. On #GivingTuesday I am launching the 2021 Year-End Campaign. I know there is a great deal more work to do! That’s why the goal for this campaign is to meet my monthly support of $3,100 by December 31, 2022. These funds will expand my ability to serve more and work less (as a photographer). November 2019, I got to speak to a group of Ukrainian doctors about living as an adult with Autism. During the pandemic, mental health problems are being exacerbated. Isolation and loneliness are fueling hopelessness. In this despair, many of our youth are turning to cutting or self-injury. I struggled with self-injury, but God is healing me. I have a heavy heart about this terrible affliction, and I want to help youth leaders and pastors to minister to these hurting children. The funding would go toward assisting me in God’s plan.
Would you be willing to make a special, year-end donation of $50, $100 per month or whatever amount God leads you to give to help me meet my goal and serve more in Eastern Europe, America or wherever God leads me, to help Him bring the mentally ill into His family. I simply can’t do it without you. Your support will make a real, lasting impact in the lives of those whom I serve and equip.
“For the ministry of this service is not only supplying the needs of the saints but is also overflowing in many thanksgivings to God. By their approval of this service, they will glorify God because of your submission that comes from your confession of the gospel of Christ, and the generosity of your contribution for them and for all others, ”