New Journey
There has been a lot going on at Abnormal Missionary! SALT and Abnormal Missionary (AM) mutually agreed that AM should be a stand alone ministry. AM will still partner with SALT in the future. Praise God…

Mission to Germany and Poland
God provided an opportunity for me to travel to Germany and Poland this past week. The trip was short but very impactful. In Germany, I met with six families for whom Ben Roundtree was able to organize their…

Being Thankful and Giving Hope!
Thank you for helping me serve the Lord’s Kingdom for many years. In October 2020, I answered God’s calling to live on mission and partner with SALT to be a full-time…

Why Ukraine?
I didn’t pick Ukraine. I never thought I would ever serve abroad. It is extremely difficult to live out of your comfort zone when you have Asperger’s. God showed how my story prepared me to…

Pray, Go, Give… Hope
Thank you for helping me serve the Lord’s Kingdom in Ukraine and Eastern Europe for many years! On behalf of Wings of Faith community (in Rivne, Ukraine), thank you. Last October, I answered God’s call to Live on Mission. SALT has agreed to be…