Five Things on My Christmas “Wish List” as a Mentally Ill Christian
1. End the stigma of mental illness in the church community.
2. Continue to seek belonging in the church community.
3. Continued support of my family, friends, and the church community.
4. Not be judged for my mental illness or symptoms.
5. Be able to find joy during the Christmas season.

What is Hope?
The secular definition of hope is much different than how God defines hope. The Webster dictionary first defines hope as a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. Through our worldly eyes, we see hope…

Being Thankful and Giving Hope!
Thank you for helping me serve the Lord’s Kingdom for many years. In October 2020, I answered God’s calling to live on mission and partner with SALT to be a full-time…

Suicide. One of the greatest tragedies and most misunderstood words is suicide. What would compel someone to end their life? We don’t like to talk about suicide, because it is uncomfortable. People whisper after a suicide. People quietly wonder was that sudden death a suicide. People don’t want to hurt the survivors of a suicide. They don’t know…

Pray, Go, Give… Hope
Thank you for helping me serve the Lord’s Kingdom in Ukraine and Eastern Europe for many years! On behalf of Wings of Faith community (in Rivne, Ukraine), thank you. Last October, I answered God’s call to Live on Mission. SALT has agreed to be…