Pray, Go, Give… Hope
Thank you for helping me serve the Lord’s Kingdom in Ukraine and Eastern Europe for many years! On behalf of Wings of Faith community (in Rivne, Ukraine), thank you. Last October, I answered God’s call to Live on Mission. SALT has agreed to be my sending organization.
Who am I? My name is Linda Bunk and I am a Christian afflicted with Bipolar Disorder and Asperger’s. Jesus has transformed my life. I want others suffering with mental illness to experience His saving grace. I am His bondservant for His Kingdom building.
What is my future? Instead of being a photographer, who goes on mission trips; I want to be a missionary who photographs. Photography to me is like Paul’s tent making (Acts 18:3). In the Book of Acts, Paul built tents to help support his main mission of spreading the good news of the Gospel. I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) and He knows all of my days. I was created for a purpose. My purpose is to disciple others to learn how to serve the mentally ill. God is great!
During this first year of ministry, I need to raise $2,400 per month. God has already provided $250 toward the monthly goal. My initial objectives are: 1) Create a seminar for church planters on how to serve the mentally ill. 2) Engage church leaders to develop an outreach process for mentally ill and marginalized. 3) Live on Mission through discipling, producing informational materials (i.e. blogs and videos), and serving on mission trips.
“The Bible instructs that we are to go and make disciples (Matthew 28:19) - a directive that is especially relevant when it comes to sharing the gospel with a person with mental illness, because the nature of their condition makes it less likely that they will seek out a church or know someone within a church who is inclined to invite them to church activities.” - Dr. Stephen Grcevich, Mental Health and the Church
I pray that God would be glorified through Abnormal Missionary. Please pray for me as I embark on this journey. If God leads you to support me financially please go the donation button on the top right corner.
Thank you Dr. Vuiv for writing this kind note about serving with me. Dr. Vuiv, director of Wings, worked in the Ukrainian medical system and this has been translated into English from Ukrainian:
Serving with Linda
Serving with Linda is something out of the ordinary. She has an extraordinary feeling of sacrifice and it inspires others. Linda's willingness to share the specifics of her diagnosis makes her especially valuable. What mothers of children with autism most want to know what their child is feeling. And Linda's testimony is especially valuable to them. The photos Linda is willing to take and give touch
parents' hearts.
Understanding the peculiarities of Linda's perception and wanting to be sensitive to her, I often wait before asking her "how are you doing?". I wait for Linda to talk to me first. Sometimes I wonder whether it is right. Linda sharing her feelings and experience helps us understand more about people with Asperger's Syndrome.
- Dr. Zoriana Vuiv, MD