My thoughts are fireflies dancing with the heat of a mid-summer night. The glistening yellow beacons pierce the emptiness of the black heavens. I’m an observer while my sanity escapes from the mania of madness. It fills the atmosphere in a pastoral dance….

Bipolar and God
How can bipolar disorder be a blessing from God? It seems like a strange question. God uses everything for His glory. God doesn’t do evil…

Autism Awesomeness Month
I was that weird out of place kid. The one that never fit in with any group in school. Even the weirdos didn’t accept me. School was a navigational nightmare. As soon as I got into the routine, summer recess began. I loved summertime, I was free to ride my bike …

Pray, Go, Give… Hope
Thank you for helping me serve the Lord’s Kingdom in Ukraine and Eastern Europe for many years! On behalf of Wings of Faith community (in Rivne, Ukraine), thank you. Last October, I answered God’s call to Live on Mission. SALT has agreed to be…