Love One Another
Linda Bunk Linda Bunk

Love One Another

Jesus gave us a new commandment to love one another as He loved us. Believers are to be known by their love for other followers of Jesus. Although these followers may be from different ethnic, tribal, cultural, racial, and socioeconomic backgrounds, our love for one another transcends all.

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Madness Within the Inferno
Linda Bunk Linda Bunk

Madness Within the Inferno

Suicidal Ideations are a numbing, deafening isolation from reality, an all-consuming fire erupting within my brain. My skull can barely contain the burning inferno, mindlessly submitting to the raging flames. These thoughts are involuntary and submerge logic and reasoning into a helpless, drowning consent to lunacy.

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August: A Month I use to Dread…
Linda Bunk Linda Bunk

August: A Month I use to Dread…

August has always been my least favorite month. As a child, August meant the return to school. The free days of summer quickly passed, and the dreaded complexities of the school days arrived. I hated school for different reasons than…

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What Comes to Mind When You Think of Serving on the Mission Field?
Linda Bunk Linda Bunk

What Comes to Mind When You Think of Serving on the Mission Field?

What comes to mind when you think of serving on the mission field?

Feeding people, clothing people, helping people in need… these are all the traditional images of serving others. My years serving in Ukraine, God has shown me other ways, ways that seem insufficient to us. I took photographs of those…

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New Journey in Serving
Linda Bunk Linda Bunk

New Journey in Serving

The Great Commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed.

- Hudson Taylor

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Linda Bunk Linda Bunk


In 2005, I graduated with a MFA from Maryland Institute College of Art, but my life was full of what seemed to be endless discouragement. My mental health was borderline stable. In the summer of 2009, I was invited to serve…

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Four Hidden Aspects of Bipolar
Linda Bunk Linda Bunk

Four Hidden Aspects of Bipolar

1. The side effects of my medication really bother me.
Medications are essential for stability, but their side effects can be very intolerable. I have developed a twitch…

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Different. Not Less.
Linda Bunk Linda Bunk

Different. Not Less.

God creates us in His image. (Genesis 1:27) He creates us man and woman. (Genesis 1:27) And He creates us wonderfully. (Psalm 139:14) He weaves us in our mother’s womb. (Psalm 139:13) He knows every hair on our head. (Matthew 10:30; Luke 12:7)

He creates us all different, but not less. (John 9:1-3) We are all perfect in…

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Mission to Germany and Poland
Linda Bunk Linda Bunk

Mission to Germany and Poland

God provided an opportunity for me to travel to Germany and Poland this past week. The trip was short but very impactful. In Germany, I met with six families for whom Ben Roundtree was able to organize their…

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Autism is Awesome!
Linda Bunk Linda Bunk

Autism is Awesome!

Autism is not a dirty word, because it doesn’t define who I am. It is a label. It is a condition God wove into His perfect design for me. Autism is awesome!

Describing autism as awesome doesn’t diminish the struggles in my journey…

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Smiling During the Storms
Linda Bunk Linda Bunk

Smiling During the Storms

But how can Christians, especially those afflicted, smile in the face of these storms despite our sin-filled world? As I think about this question, proposed in my church last Sunday, my mind wanders to the events in Ukraine. People, especially women and children, are living in an endless nightmare…

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Mom! How did my mom survive rising me?
Linda Bunk Linda Bunk

Mom! How did my mom survive rising me?

As an infant, I screamed and only slept two hours every twelve. I had a traumatic birth because I didn’t lay right in the birth canal. The doctor said he did the best with my head (that he could). I have a lot of bumps because they were trying to direct me properly. I was born screaming, with bright red hair and defected…

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The Way of Love
Linda Bunk Linda Bunk

The Way of Love

God defines love beautifully in 1 Corinthians 13. This love is sacrificial and only God can display this to us. Man is marred by the corruption of sin, and it has blinded our hearts and minds to this supernatural love. God so loved his lost people so much, that He sent His Son to…

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Six Lies… I use to Believe.
Linda Bunk Linda Bunk

Six Lies… I use to Believe.

After episodes of mania or depress, I hated myself. My bipolar manifests mainly into mania. Many outsiders may mistakenly believe mania is fun. My manic bouts turned into psychosis, which is states of delusions, hallucinations, and incoherent…

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Restless Dreams
Linda Bunk Linda Bunk

Restless Dreams

Mulling endless hours, mindlessly gazing at my ceiling which is summoning sleep. One night turning into a week of sleeplessness. Unable to calm my mind to focus, the loudness of my thoughts interrupting my ability to rest. At first, I do not concede…

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What is Hope?
Linda Bunk Linda Bunk

What is Hope?

The secular definition of hope is much different than how God defines hope. The Webster dictionary first defines hope as a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. Through our worldly eyes, we see hope…

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Being Thankful and Giving Hope!
Linda Bunk Linda Bunk

Being Thankful and Giving Hope!

Thank you for helping me serve the Lord’s Kingdom for many years. In October 2020, I answered God’s calling to live on mission and partner with SALT to be a full-time…

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Linda Bunk Linda Bunk


November is a time that Americans give thanks as we celebrate Thanksgiving in a few weeks. Thankfulness is defined by our praising God in all things, the storms, and blessings. Blessings are from God or others…

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Testament of a Faithful Walk Through the Fire
Linda Bunk Linda Bunk

Testament of a Faithful Walk Through the Fire

John Newton penned the most famous hymn, Amazing Grace, which is still a favorite today. Most Christians don’t know about an amazing aspect of John Newton’s life. In the summer of 1767, Newton became dear friend…

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Bipolar is a Blessing!
Linda Bunk Linda Bunk

Bipolar is a Blessing!

Bipolar is a blessing from God, and I would not have it any other way. I would not give up the hardships, because that really has glorified God, using my mess for His message. What the world sees as a curse, God…

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